Sunday, 2 October 2022

United Faithful are back!

Wow, well what a last six weeks it has been. The blog has been unusually quiet, mainly due to my flitting off here, there and everywhere. My feet have barely touched terra firma over the last month but now we're back, refreshed and ready to get back 'into the swing of things' here at United Faithful. 

Our absence co-incided with United's upturn in form and you must have been wondering where I've been, so I'll tell you. 

I've been away across the water in Northern Ireland for a two week hiking trip, two stag dos (indeed, even a HEN do) and then my friend's wedding last weekend. All in all, not much time at all to focus on penning these pages whilst United have been pilfering points left, right and centre (until today). 

That's not to say we haven't been keeping up to speed with our club's fortunes. I watched the second half of the Saints game in a bar at Euston, glimpsed the highlights of the win at Leicester in a pub in Newcastle (the one in Northern Ireland, not the one in the North East) and then watched bits of the Arsenal game on a friend's phone. 

The Queen has died, the UK has yet another PM and Watford have been through 5,000 managers! (No, not really, but they have appointed Slaven Bilic). It's safe to say a lot has happened whilst I've been gone but now I'm back and ready to bring you all the very latest from Manchester United. 

We just wanted to update you as we've been quiet and thought you might want to know why that is. 


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