Monday, 20 August 2018

These players are a fucking disgrace to the name of this club (RANT)

United's 3-2 defeat at Brighton was painful, but what made it worse was the fact that only five players had the guts to acknowledge the travelling support, many of whom had made a round trip of over 500 miles to watch a disgusting performance.
The rest of the team couldn't get off the field quick enough - they are a disgrace, an absolutely shameful and embarrasing disgrace to everything this club represents. Do they not care about us fans, the same fans that go every week to cheer them on, in all weathers, to all corners of the country at great personal expense. To watch performances such as this. Hiding at the full-time whistle, those players should be ashamed. The least they can do is go and say thank you. Thank you to the fans that had to sit through that. Thank you to those fans who continue to get behind every single one of them through thick and thin. Fans whom never stopped singing from minute one to 90. Maybe they were scared of getting abuse. They'd have deserved it. Stop being cowards and show your faces. Take responsibility, do something about it. But no, they won't will they - these has beens, could-have-beens and never weres will just post on social media about practicing their goal celebrations and how many followers they have before picking up their fat pay checks at the end of the week - over-rated, over paid, useless, pampered, piles of dross with overinflated egos, most of them not fit to wear the shirt and a stain on the good name of Manchester United.
How dare they, how very dare they, not even put effort in. It's the bare minimum you can ask for from your team. If you lose, but the players have given 100%, we wouldn't mind so much. Sometimes you have to accept that the better team won, and Brighton were the better team, but we just let them dominate. Most of the United team were walking, walking around the pitch without a care in the world - attitude and character is half the battle on the field, it’s amazing what can be achieved with unity, perspiration and effort. These are the bare minimum expectations when your team steps onto the field, if you have quality too that’s even better. Fact is, Brighton had spades more character, effort and desire than United, they wanted to win the game and got what they just deserved. The Albion players gave every last drop of energy and spirit for the shirt, United did not - anyone, anyone who doesn't give their all should not be here. I don't care who you are, whether you're the star first team player or the young Academy graduate - play for the shirt or find the nearest exit and go. I'll give you a hand to get out of our club.

Paul Pogba seemed to be the only player who kept going, kept trying things and would not be cowed. He was poor, but at least he didn't hide. Why were the rest of them even there? Why is Jose Mourinho even there any more? Please, please just go, take Dick'Ed with you and leave our club alone.
 Our approach in the second half whilst two goals behind was just as damning as the football we played before the break. It was unacceptable and the fans have every right to be angered by such a display. I was one of those fans in the away end at Brighton yesterday and I felt humiliated, embarrased and angry - angry at the pathetic, diabolical excuse of a performance, angry at the attitude of the players, angry at the state of our club and the incoherent mess we've become. Embarrased by the mocking of the Brighton fans as they sang: "Can we play you every week." Brighton, folks, sang that to us. Bloody Brighton. It was the final nail in the coffin and the final straw. I'm fuming, as I'm sure many of you are. This is the first debacle of many this season, I'm dreading it and let's brace ourselves everyone - this is going to get worse before it gets better.

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